LOFAR Survey Key Science Project meeting

LOFAR LBA mini-symposium (9 March 2021)


Francesco de Gasperin: LBA status and plans
Wendy Williams: LBA deep fields: Bootes and next steps
Lukas Böhme: Cross-matching LoLSS+LoTSS+NVSS with morphological considerations
Christian Groenevald: Sub-arcsecond resolution below 80 MHz
Irene Polderman: Galactic HII region detection
Erik Osinga: Investigating particle acceleration in A2256 at the lowest frequencies
Virginia Cuciti: The megahalo in the galaxy cluster ZwCl 0634.1+4750
Henrik Edler: Gentle re-energization and a low-frequency halo in A1033
Nadia Biava: The ultra-steep diffuse emission observed in the cool-core cluster RXCJ 1720.1+2638 at low frequencies

More information:
  • Francesco de Gasperin
  • web page: Krzysztof Chyży (krzysztof.chyzy at uj.edu.pl)

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